

General and specific legal provisions


Limitation of liability

The "www.ahead.li" website represents the Internet presence of Ahead Wealth Solutions AG (Ahead) and contains, among other things, general information as well as specific information, references, documents, charts and key figures on individual funds. Persons who access these websites and retrieve information agree to the following terms and conditions. Any special agreements relating to individual services or products of Ahead shall take precedence over these provisions; in the event of contradiction, however, the special agreements shall take precedence.

In accordance with the legal requirements in Liechtenstein, management companies of Liechtenstein funds may designate certain print media or alternatively electronic platforms as publication media in the prospectus. This website represents an electronic platform within the meaning of these provisions. The private label funds listed on this homepage are funds which have been issued on behalf of a third party and which are generally also managed by a third party. The role of Ahead is limited to that of a management and administration company. These lists are merely information and are neither a recommendation nor an offer, nor an invitation by Ahead to purchase or sell units in these funds, to carry out transactions or to conclude any legal transaction. The published information is provided by Ahead for personal use and informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. The current prospectuses, the constituent documents and the respective annual and semi-annual reports can be obtained free of charge from Ahead Wealth Solutions AG, Austrasse 15, 9490 Vaduz. Current information can be accessed at any time on the homepage of Ahead Wealth Solutions AG at www.ahead.li . In principle, these funds are only permitted for public distribution in Liechtenstein. Abroad, however, they are not or only partially approved for public distribution and may therefore not be offered for sale or otherwise advertised outside Liechtenstein. The provisions applicable in the country in question shall apply.

A positive performance in the past is no guarantee for a positive performance in the future. The risk of price and/or currency losses cannot be excluded. It is possible that investors may not receive back the full amount invested by them. Some funds have a significant risk potential that goes far beyond that of a traditional investment. The performance data do not take into account any commissions and costs charged on the issue and redemption of units. The information does not constitute an offer - it is provided for information purposes only. The information contained on this website does not constitute an aid to decision-making in economic, legal, tax or other advisory matters, nor may investment or other decisions be made solely on the basis of this information. Potential investors are strongly advised not to invest in funds until they have thoroughly studied the current, fund-specific documentation and obtained qualified advice.


All information on these web pages is not intended for retrieval by persons or companies from countries in which the retrieval of this information would lead to a registration obligation for Ahead. Furthermore, the retrieval of information from these websites is not permitted for persons who are subject to a jurisdiction which prohibits the retrieval of information from Ahead's websites.

Restricted access United States

The funds listed here are not licensed in the USA under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Investment Company Act of 1940. Persons domiciled in the USA or US citizens may not acquire the funds launched by Ahead. Ahead does not make the products and services described on the website available to US persons.

Restrictions on access to other states

Access to the Website is prohibited to any person who, by reason of his or her place of residence, residence, nationality or other criteria, is subject to any jurisdiction in which the publication or availability of the Website would constitute a violation of any applicable law or regulation. The information on this website is therefore not intended for specific clients as such, but only for readers interested in general information on Ahead's funds.

Amendments or additions to the