Legal notice

Fund information.

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The information contained on this website does not constitute a solicitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell any investment fund or to engage in any other transaction. Furthermore, the information contained on the website is not intended for specific persons, but rather for readers generally interested in the fund products and services of Ahead Wealth Solutions AG. The information on this website is not intended for persons who are subject to a jurisdiction that prohibits access to or publication of this website (by reason of the nationality or domicile of the person concerned or for other reasons).

The information on the website of Ahead Wealth Solutions AG does not constitute an aid to decision-making in economic, legal, tax or other advisory matters, nor may investment or other decisions be made solely on the basis of this information. Potential investors are strongly advised not to invest in funds until they have thoroughly studied the current, fund-specific documentation and obtained qualified advice.

The current prospectuses, the constituent documents and the respective annual and semi-annual reports can be obtained free of charge from the Management Company, Ahead Wealth Solutions AG, Austrasse 15, 9490 Vaduz. Current information can be accessed at any time on the homepage of Ahead Wealth Solutions AG at www.ahead.li . These funds are only licensed for public distribution in Liechtenstein. Abroad, however, they are not or only partially approved for public distribution and may therefore not be offered for sale or otherwise advertised outside Liechtenstein. The provisions applicable in the country in question shall apply.

The funds shown here are not licensed in the USA under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Investment Company Act of 1940. Persons domiciled in the USA or US citizens may not acquire the funds launched by Ahead. Ahead Wealth Solutions AG does not make the products and services described on the website available to US persons.

The detailed disclaimer can be found here.


You can find the detailed disclaimer hier.


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